brew uninstall with dependencies

brew uninstall with dependencies


But I needed brew back. brew uninstall with dependency Code Example It may give the warning to install GCC and to remove that simply install it using brew-brew install gcc . How to remove all old and outdated brew packages on MacOS e.g. macos - How to clean unused homebrew dependencies - Super User brew brew unlink cabal-install brew install cabal-install --ignore-dependencies will do what you want. brew tap beeftornado/rmtree. brew uninstall package and dependencies To uninstall a package regardless of software dependencies, use the following syntax: brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies [package name] If you no longer need certain software that you previously installed via Homebrew, remove it from your system with the following syntax: brew uninstall [package name] In the example above, we uninstalled the tree … FAQ — Homebrew Documentation

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